It's happening and I LOVE IT iLove it I love it!
The media is shinning some light on it and people are becoming more and more exposed to it!

Most people who know me know that I am a big supporter of interracial relationships. I am in one and I have always been attracted to men outside my race! There was once a time when it was hard to find information on black women dating outside of their race. It was a topic that was just not talked about. I am pleased to see many blogs, groups, google images about black women and IR.

As I immerse myself in this fun surfing adventures of BW interracial topics I can't help but notice a certain rhetoric. There is a lot of talk that black women date outside their race because they have a stereotypical view of black men. While I cannot speak for other black women, I must say that this is not the case for me. I have the privelege of growing up in an enviro
nment with positive black male. My father loved his family. Infact, I am who I am because of my black father. He was educated, hardworking, respectful, responsible, God loving. It is funny because the white man that I am dating reminds me so much of my father and that is a good thing! I have 2 very good looking, wonderful, inspiring, college educated brothers and so many great black male friends. In short, for me I love my black brothas but I just seem to be romantically attracted to white male. I don't think that my attraction should take anything away from my views that their a many good brothas out there. All I am saying is, don't take it personally.

Some Concerns
Although information is good. I fear a trend. I do not want BWWM IR to become just a trend. IR need to be carefully entered into because by nature it tends to bring 2 people from 2 different backgrounds together. Relationships are already hard because human beings are selfish and very flawed. Relationships take a lot of commitment, work and "dying to self." IR is no different. Infact IR has it's own unique challenges because of the multi-background tendency. Not only are you blending 2 individuals you are blending 2 backgrounds, different upbringing, different views of the basic things in life.

I am a strong supporter of love. I pay more attention to topics about black women in love because I am a black woman and these issues are close to my heart. I support black women in IR because it is different and it is beautiful. I hope to see many black women in IR staying together, getting married and commiting to a forever after with their hobbies. I pray that more people will find God because his value system far exceeds any other value system you can find. I believe that any relationship that puts God 1st will succeed. SO HAPPY LOVE!

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