Monday, September 22, 2008

Self induced heart burn...

FOOD: Sometimes I go Overboard!
I have a love/hate relationship with food. Sometimes I can manage it and other times... well I eat a whole pint of Ice-Cream by 8:30pm for no reason what so ever! Tonight was one of those days.

I was doing good too! I had a sensible dinner with lots of green and lots of lean protein. I was satisfied with my days meal consumption but then I got bored. I decided to make a quick dash to walmart and ended up with a pint of Ben & Jerry's 280*4 calories of bliss and destruction. Knowing fully well that I would eat the whole thing and it will do much damage to my health.

I am a believer in indulge once in a while but too much of a good thing is bad, oh so very bad. Oh wells! What can a woman do? I cannot beat myself up after the fact. That, my friend, is pointless.

I must say I enjoyed every bit but I now have a heartburn show for it. Thanks akpiri (apetite)! I hope I remember this feeling the next time I feel the need to INDULGE.

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